Field Care
The better a trophy is handled in the field, the better the finished product. We provide steps and procedures to ensure the quality of your trophy and your final product.
The better a trophy is handled in the field, the better the finished product. We provide steps and procedures to ensure the quality of your trophy and your final product.
We recommend using Alpha Fur in Anchorage to expedite your skins through the tanning process and then have them shipped to Wildlife Reflection for me to complete and for you to enjoy forever.
Alpha Fur Dressing
1901 West 48th
Anchorage, AK 99517
We recommend using Coppersmith Inc. to expedite your trophies back to the United States. We have all the neccessary documents needed at my studio supplied by Coppersmith Inc. Any inquires should be directed to Michael Lewis.
Coppersmith Inc.
760 Bonnie Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007